Passa al contingut principal


Del 20 al 25 d'abril de 2012, el Fòrum Europeu d'Administradors de l'Educació celebrarà a Leiden (Holanda) el Programa Europeu d'Intervisites, en el qual es tractaran les Competències en l'educació a través de diversos intercanvis internacionals, ambients d'aprenentatge, un simposi i un programa de recerca ben enriquidors.  Els interessats a participar-hi podeu emplenar la fitxa que teniu a continuació (en anglès) i enviar-la a l'adreça indicada.

Per a més informació, no dubteu a posar-vos en contacte directament amb els organitzadors, les dades de contacte dels quals apareixen en el pòster.

Give your program your own accent!

We will give participants the opportunity to give their own accents to the program. The central topic is:  Competence in education:

We want to make a program which fits to your demands. So you can send us your preferences. The “standard” program is a mix of 2 schools primary education (different types), 1 school vocational or secondary education and 1 school Higher Education.

You can add here your more specific choice:

I would like:

To follow the normal program (see above)

To visit only schools of Primary Education and Secondary Education

To visit a combination of schools of Vocational Education

To visit a combination of Traditional and Renewal schools

To visit a combination with Universities and High Schools

To visit a combination with Music and Culture Schools

To visit a combination with Cure and Care (special-)schools

To visit a combination with Health and Sport schools

To combine school visits with a research discussion theme about competences

Other suggestion:

We will form the groups after you have given us your preferred topics.
If you don’t react, we will arrange your program and school visits according to the normal program.





Preferred language


Tel. number

Tel. number mobile


Please mail this form before 15 November 2011 to: 
